Tweets Shown LIVE On National Television !!!
Here is a list of times I have had my tweets mentioned on national
television !!! Yes, I know, for the majority of people viewing this
page, your CARE
FACTOR = ZERO. But, I got bored again and figured I should make a page
that puts all my cell-phone image grabs on one page !!!
June 8th, 2014: WOW,
THIS IS A BIG ONE! So there I was, laying on my mom's couch watching
the Brewers game on a lazy Sunday afternoon. It was about the fifth
inning and my mom and I were both dozing off ready for a quick nap.
After commercial, when the game came back on I hear Brian Anderson say
"it's time for the AT&T fan photo of the game." I half opened my
eyes thinking to myself "hmm, maybe they'll show one of the few ones I
sent in over the past month with the #wisfanphoto hashtag of my cat
Bubbles." LO AND BEHOLD! BAM! THERE SHE IS! I was so surprised I
shouted as loud as I could "MOM!!! IT'S BUBBLES !!!" So much for the
quick nap! I took the below photo about a month prior while I was
laying on my couch and Bubbles was sitting there with Scooter Gennett
standing in the batters box. It was a majestic moment because, as you
can see, the sun was setting on her making the moment surreal !!! It
reminded me of when Roy Hobbs struck out Babe Ruth in the movie The
Natural with the sun setting in the background. Anderson said that "he"
(even though Bubbles is a she) looks mean and is fish-eying the camera
(WHICH SHE WAS). Immediately my friend Crowgey texts me with one word
"NICE!" Tweets came flying in from all the #brewers fan friends I have
love her beyond words and when I got home kept telling her she was a
"famous kitty" and she just purrrred and purrrrred away like she always
does when I get home! The Brewers won 1-0! Suffice to say, they are
undefeated (1-0) after Bubs was shown on TV!

May 23rd, 2014: Friday
was the second "Fan Show" on Intentional Talk. Earlier in the week,
they sent out a tweet asking what music people wanted to hear on the
show. I figured, why not give them my go-to-karaoke song (a question
Millar often asks guests on the show) and replied with GUNS N' ROSES -
PARADISE CITY. About half way into the show, they came back from
commercial break and what song did I hear in the background? YOU
GUESSED IT! PARADISE CITY! I also tossed an #askkevin question on there
but they didn't use it so with ten minutes left in the show I recorded
the rest and took a nap. The next night, I decided to watch it just
incase I was mentioned in the last ten minutes. INDEED I WAS! I was
thanked for my contribution!

December 10th, 2013:
AGAIN, on Intentional Talk! The show before Millar's armpits were
sweating and he informed Rose that he was a "pitter" and not a forehead
sweater like Rose. I found that funny and actually laughed out loud
when I heard that. So the next day they tweeted something about his
armpit sweat and I thought I would chime in. Didn't expect it to get
posted but it did!

9th, 2013: ONCE AGAIN, made it on Intentional Talk! All baseball
analysts on TV always say that when brawls erupt they hate to see it
escalate into a fight. YEAH RIGHT! ADMIT IT EVERYBODY, we all LOVE
seeing a hitter charge the mound after getting plunked! Hell, when
there's a bench clearing brawl, it's a "get on the dial" moment and
texts start flying back and forth between fans informing to get the
tube turned to MLB Network to see the awesum brouhaha !!! So, when Rose
and Millar asked on air what do you you think will happen in the
D-Backs v. Dodgers game, I replied with this !!! I state the obvious!

10th, 2013: On Intentional Talk ONCE AGAIN !!! When Carlos Gomez of
the Brewers was on the best interview in baseball !!! Indeed, my nap
had to wait !!!

7th, 2013: On Intentional Talk again .. TWICE in one day !!!

after that, a few minutes later...

20th, 2012:
Kevil Millar on Intentional Talk asked "what MLB player
would play the best Santa?" I sent in "TODD COFFEY" and made it on the
air! PLUS, after it was shown, Millar himself said he was the best
Santa but unfortunately he didn't say anything about my tweet.

28th, 2012: FSN Broadcast of Astros vs. Brewers. The question asked was
"What makes Miller Park great?" !!!

1st, 2012: The Ed Show on MSNBC critizing Mitt Romney for his lunatic
crazy talk !!!

8th, 2011: Intentional Talk on MLB Network calling Pujols a pretty boy
after the Brewers and Cardinals benches cleared the night before !!!

Me for questions or to tell me I'm an idiot.