The Page That Classifies Lame
Anything done on the internet can pass for lame these days. What is
"elite" to one person, is lame to another. This page will show you an
easy list of what is lame and what isn't lame.
Ratio sites
ALL warez WWW pages
99.999999% of mp3 pages
Netradio banners
Porno banners
Top sites lists
Perm bans
Copied mp3/warez sites
Money making banner password entering sites (very very lame)
Sites with graphics, java, or other LAME irritating stuff
Sub-Ops of #zeraw on the undernet
The warez scene on the undernet
#Mp3 of The Undernet
#Mpeg3 of The Undernet
#Zeraw of The Undernet
Warez sites lists (aka lists of dead sites)
Warez files that contain 5000 NFO files and 1 zipped up file
Leech warez sites
Leech mp3 sites
People who rip cd's and make mp3s out of them
Uploaders to leech sites
IRC channels that allow NO RATIOS
People who fill requests
Sites that are updated a lot and have good quantity
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