Direct Download WWW Sites With Mp3s

The following sites all contain direct downloads (mp3s right on the server) to download. I am now listing sites with a specific bands or types of mp3s on this page. Sites with a huge mix of mp3s are now available on themain page.

a link was here. live and rare smashing pumpkins songs, like 10 different versions of each one of their songs!!!

a link was here. all featuring b-sides, rarities and live metallica songs, some are links to other metallica sites with mp3s 

a link was here. this site has tons of pink floyd songs

a link was here. some mp3s of the awesum finish band stratovarius, excellent band, a blex favorite

a link was here. hansen mp3 files, download at your own risk!!!

a link was here. some mp3s from pearl jam concerts

a link was here. all kinds of wu-tang mp3s here, including full cd's a new band called roofgoats, mp3s of the band are available to promote their awesum band at their website, check it out!!! Amazing, the domain has actually been transferred and the site has goat pics!

a link was here. tons of theme mp3s and shit loads of links

a link was here. something better then mp3s, FARTS!!! i recommend "the hornet" hahahahaha

a link was here. some name that band contest, link is here because the guy asked for 2 months to get a link, at exactly this it is

a link was here. tons and tons of video game mp3s here

a link was here. site is now only up and coming bands that nobody has heard of probably, might be good though, check it out

a link was here. shit loads of they might be giants mp3s, also has some other no-names to download

a link was here. site is awesum, and changes a lot, has metallica's full reload album to leech as well as more!

a link was here. some eurodance mp3s to leech

a link was here. bjorn, dr awesome, lynne, and team 17 mp3s here to leech

a link was here. nice mix here of good popular songs, about 5 alternative mp3s and midi's here

a link was here. a few hiphop mp3s here

This page has been made by Blex. Coping html is for want-to-be mp3 page makers. Don't be a lame shithead and copy html off this page. And another thing, if you are gonna make an mp3 page NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER link to the mp3 file, link to the webpage it is on. Don't be a lamer. Have a nice day.

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